440,895 PLN: investment value 30,863 PLN: forecast annual revenue for the owner (50/50 - proportional rent, revenue split with the operator) 462,940 PLN: forecast return on investment (15 years) 6.7%: forecast rate of return * (average annual rate return on own contribution for 15 years) * Clause: Calculations regarding the estimated annual rate of return on the net price of the investment in the amount of 6,7% are for advertising and demonstration purposes only and do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code. number of premises 130, average rental price of premises PLN 275 net per night and 65% occupancy per year (i.e. 237.25 days), assuming the catalog value of all premises at the level of PLN 60,924,240 and payment to buyers of 50% of the value annual income from the rental of hotel rooms.