Gdańsk in the autumn version, a city worth discovering outside the season

Arrival 08 Oct '24
Departure 09 Oct '24
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Gdańsk in the autumn version, a city worth discovering outside the season

In autumn, Gdańsk reveals its reflective side – a city that is full of life and attracts crowds of tourists in the summer, becomes calmer and more intimate in October, but its charm is still alive. Warm, golden light penetrates the old, historic streets, and the sound of the wind mixes with the sound of rustling leaves. Every step along the cobbled, empty alleys reminds us of forgotten stories and secrets. In such moments, you can truly feel the spirit of this place – with centuries of tradition, full of stories hidden in the walls of tenement houses and on the banks of the Motława River.

When summer draws its last breath, Gdańsk can become a refuge for those who are looking for a break from everyday worries. Without crowds, noise and rush, it invites us to return to simple and authentic experiences. This is the perfect time to immerse yourself in a space that does not distract, but allows you to focus, stop for a moment and just be :)

I invite you to break away from routine and try to find peace within yourself, enjoying autumn in the heart of the Tri-City.

Photo: Autumn on the Motława River in Gdańsk

The silence and magic of old walls

Walking around Gdańsk on colder days, you can feel like you're traveling back in time. The city, which is full of life and tourist energy in the summer, takes on a completely different character in the fall. The Main Town, without the hustle and bustle and crowds, quietly shows its full, unique architectural class. The autumn wind gently blows on your face, and every step on the old cobblestones is like touching the past - you feel its weight, but also the beauty that has survived generations.

I especially encourage you to take a walk through the narrow streets in the morning, when the city is still asleep – it's hard to find a more intimate meeting and experience :)

The Royal Route of Gdańsk and the Fountain of the Sea King

One of the most iconic places in Gdańsk is Długa Street and Długi Targ, the heart of the historic city. Walking along this once main commercial artery, you can see a wealth of architecture that often escapes in the summer. Tenement houses with decorated facades and carved details on portals add to the uniqueness.

In autumn, when there are fewer tourists, it is worth stopping for a while at the Neptune Fountain, the symbol of the city, which seems even more majestic in the glow of the autumn sun. Neptune, as the ruler of the seas, symbolizes the power and maritime history of the city, which is worth remembering as you traverse the next alleys.

Photo: Neptune's Fountain in Gdańsk

The largest church and a street like from a movie

Not far from the fountain, the St. Mary's Basilica is the largest brick church in Europe. Its impressive shape dominates the panorama of Gdańsk, and its interior conceals the beauty of sacral architecture. In the cooler light of an autumn day, the interior of the Basilica becomes even more atmospheric. The light coming through the stained glass windows subtly illuminates the monumental vaults, and the silence reigning inside encourages reflection. It is worth looking at the details, including the altars, which remind us of the city's former inhabitants.

When we move a bit away from Długi Targ and St. Mary's Basilica, it is worth heading to the incredibly charming, my favorite, Mariacka Street. This is one of the most atmospheric places in Gdańsk - a narrow, cobbled street, on both sides of which tenement houses with characteristic porches rise. These small terraces in front of the entrances to houses, decorated with balustrades and sculptures, were once a place of meetings, trade and social life. Paying attention to the details, we can imagine how life went here centuries ago.

Along the street you will find small galleries and artists' studios that specialize in amber - an inseparable symbol of Gdańsk. For this reason, I also encourage you to take a walk :)

Photo: Mariacka Street in Gdańsk

Parks and seaside green areas – closeness to nature at your fingertips

But of course, Gdańsk is not only about architecture! For those who want to escape the city center and immerse themselves in nature, the city has a unique offer. Parks and seaside areas take on a unique charm in October, becoming a safe haven for those seeking peace.

One of the places worth visiting is Reagan Park, which stretches along the sea. It is an ideal place for long, relaxing walks filled with golden leaves and the smell of the sea breeze, as the raw, often stormy Baltic Sea looms on the horizon. In autumn, the park becomes even more intimate, and the paths leading along the beach invite you to take a leisurely walk or Nordic walk.

It is also worth taking an extra step and visiting one of the beaches in Gdańsk. The sounds of waves crashing on the shore and the wind will soothe your senses and put you in a state of blissful relaxation. The fresh, autumn air on the Baltic Sea is saturated with iodine, which reaches a particularly high concentration in autumn, supporting physical health and well-being. On the other hand, a walk along the beach, when the coast is empty and the sea seems endless, is a good way to support mental health.

The proximity to nature in Gdańsk is omnipresent – ​​from seaside parks such as Reagan Park, through city parks such as Oliwa Park and the beautifully restored Oruński Park, to the vast forests of the Tri-City Landscape Park. Be sure to try to get closer to nature and seek inner peace in the bosom of nature :)

Photo: Oliwa Park in Gdańsk

Autumn shopping with soul – local products and souvenirs

Once you have positively recharged your batteries by immersing yourself in history and nature, don't forget about souvenirs that will allow you to take a piece of Gdańsk home with you. These can of course be nice shells, pebbles or photos, but I especially encourage you to look around calmly for handicrafts that will remind you of the spirit of the city.

Amber shops on Mariacka Street, local galleries with artists' products, elaborate collections with cranes or unusual sweets will be a great gift for grandchildren, children and parents. Although I am far from excessive shopping for the sake of shopping, I think it is worth getting to know the city, wandering its streets, looking for unique souvenirs that reflect the character and spirit of the place.

Gdańsk in autumn – a city that soothes and inspires

A trip to Gdańsk in the fall is more than just sightseeing. It is a journey to a place that can calm and inspire. Quieter streets, a wealth of culture and closeness to nature make every moment here exceptional. This is a city that also reveals its beautiful, unique face in the off-season, offering respite and contact with art and nature.

Autumn is a time when we can see things in Gdańsk that are often lost in the tourist hustle and bustle in the summer. Walking along Długi Targ, stopping at St. Mary's Basilica or delving into the secrets of Mariacka Street, we have the opportunity not only to discover the history of the city, but also for moments of true reflection. I encourage you to listen to the whisper of the city :)

Photo: Autumn Gdansk


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